Elders Report
The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met for their monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 27. Pastor Pat opened the meeting with prayer, giving thanks for the ministry of the gospel and rejoicing in the hope that is ours in Christ Jesus. Dallas Focht then led us in a brief review of chapter 25 of the London Baptist Confession of Faith on Marriage.
Frank Barber presented the attendance and financial report for the month of January. We saw an increase in our average attendance from 280 in December to 346 in January. This is due to the winter weather we had in December. We expect our average attendance to be down again in the month of February for the same reason.
As for the financial report, total income for the month of January was $52,467 compared to a budgeted income of $79,460. Year to date our income is below the budgeted income of $346,846 with the actual income being $289,798.
There is good news in regard to our expenses. Our monthly expenses in January were $44,396 compared to planned expenses of $49,871. We are thankful that for the financial year we have been able to keep expenses below expected spending with actual being $260,040 compared to a plan of $272,657. We continue to give thanks for the way the Lord provides for the gospel ministry at Omaha Bible Church through your generous gifts.
Following the report on attendance and finances, the elders renewed the Deacon terms for John Schmoll and Willie Zwiener. We are encouraged by all our deacons and the ministry they help with here at Omaha Bible Church. We were glad to renew the three year terms of these two men.
Finally, we concluded our meeting with a discussion of membership at OBC. The elders approved Luke and Chelsea Fulliton for membership. They will be presented to the congregation at our next New Member Induction on Sunday, May 15. We would encourage any who have not become members of OBC to attend the next Getting Started Class with Pastor Pat.
Dave Guthrie closed the meeting in prayer. The elders will meet again Tuesday, March 12.
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