Sunday School - 9:30am // Worship Service - 10:30am

Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on the morning of July 15 for our monthly meeting. After beginning the meeting with prayer, we were led by Frank Barber in a brief consideration of chapter 10 of The London Baptist Confession of 1689 on Effectual Calling.

What a joy to be reminded that this calling is “of God’s free and special grace alone, not from anything at all foreseen in man, nor from any power or agency in the creature.” It is only after “being quickened and renewed by the Holy Spirit” that we are made alive together with Christ.

Frank Barber then presented the financial report for the month of June. The church received $64,220 through your generous gifts against expenses of $52,886. Net income for the month was $6,716, bringing net income for the year to $122,881.

This is a tremendous source of encouragement, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. OBC has not seen a downward trend in the giving. You have generously continued to give and support the ministry at OBC during these past few months and we are rejoicing with you in the Lord’s provision.

Following the financial report, Mike Holloway presented the elders with the budget proposal for the next fiscal year, which begins in September. The ministry leaders at OBC have submitted their requests for the year and the elders reviewed some of the budget items on the list.

The elders then discussed options for ministry moving into the fall. With COVID-19 still continuing to cause issue, we need to be wise and exercise care as the ministry year approaches. As plans for the fall are decided, we will be announcing and publishing those plans so you can be aware of what ministry at OBC will look like moving forward.

Please continue to pray with us in this regard. We are trusting the Lord for wisdom in these days, desiring that the gospel will continue to be proclaimed through the ministry at OBC.