Sunday School - 9:30am // Worship Service - 10:30am

Are You Ready?

That is, to make a defense for the hope that is in you? (1 Peter 3:15)

Many of us are familiar with this passage and its emphasis on apologetics (or defending the faith), yet so many Christians, including myself, can see this task as daunting or intimidating. You may think to yourself any of the following questions:

  • What if I’m unclear?
  • What if I don’t know enough?
  • Where do I even begin?

I’m sure the list could go on.

There are countless books, seminary classes, online courses, and sermon series on the topic of how to make a defense for the faith. As wonderful as these resources may be, are they necessary in order to defend what you believe?

While writing to the church at Ephesus in Ephesians 1, Paul prays that they would have the eyes of their hearts enlightened, so that they may know what is the hope to which God called them (Eph. 1:18). 

The first question that needs to be asked is: what is the hope that is in you? Most simply put, the hope that is within us is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I hope to encourage you now by providing a framework that promotes the gospel in four simple words. This will allow us to be confident in what we believe and why we believe it. The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ, seen in his life, death, resurrection, and ascension.

Let’s unpack these words in a little more detail:

  1. The LIFE of Jesus Christ - God demands perfect obedience from his people and as sinners we have failed to do so. Jesus however did not fail, and because of his perfect obedience credited to our account, we can now be declared righteous (justified). Because of this declaration we are now able to stand in the presence of a holy and righteous God. (Matthew 3:13-17; 5:17, Romans 5:18-21)
  2. The DEATH of Jesus Christ - The blood of Christ consecrated the new covenant, and without that blood there would be no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). It’s in Christ we have redemption, through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses (Eph. 1:7). The shed blood of Christ atones for our sin (justification) and also purifies our nature in sanctification (Hebrews 8).
  3. The RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ - The resurrection means God the Father accepted the Son’s sacrifice, stating that death has been conquered. Jesus has been raised from the dead for our justification (Romans 4:24-25).
  4. The ASCENSION of Jesus Christ – Jesus’ ascension into heaven fulfills his role as our great high priest, which allows him to intercede for his people on a daily basis. Jesus’ kingly seat at the right hand of the Father allows the Holy Spirit to come down and empower the church to proclaim this good news to all nations (John 16:4-15, Hebrews 7:25; 10:11-14).

Although these points are not exhaustive when it comes to the gospel truths, they still proclaim the simple yet profound reality that the gospel (Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension) is what we need to rest in.

Knowing these truths will allow us to be ready to make a defense for the hope that is in us. I pray these four simple words can help us recall the good news day to day, as well as confidently proclaim it to the world around us.