Service of Worship for August 9, 2016
Scripture Reading
Preaching The Word
The Grace-Based Works-Free Gospel | Acts 15:1-35
This Sunday we have two baptisms that will take place during the Sunday morning service. It is a great joy for us as a congregation to rejoice with those being baptized in the goodness and grace of God. Come ready to be encouraged as we hear these testimonies of God's grace from the waters of baptism.
Worship In Song
Behold Our God // by Sovereign Grace
Holy, Holy, Holy // hymn by Reginal Heber and John Dykes
'Tis So Sweet // hymn by Louisa Stead and William Kirkpatrick
Cornerstone // by Hillsong as recorded by Tim Neufield
Before The Throne Of God Above // by Charitie Bancroft and Vikki Cook
Gospel Doxology // by Zachary Hicks
More in This Sunday at OBC
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