All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.


Deacons Report

The February Deacons meeting was held on Tuesday, February 28th at 7:00 p.m. Mike Holloway led and Vimal George opened our time in prayer, giving thanks for OBC and various ministry opportunities.

Mike reviewed the giving and expense numbers for December and January. We had two strong months, and were encouraged by the body’s faithful giving.

Next, we had the opportunity to visit with ministry leaders Dustin and Becky Linden. Dustin oversees the Children's Church ministry, and Becky oversees the Cleaning ministry. Both are such important ministries in the body, and it was encouraging to hear about the number of people serving in both. If you're looking for an opportunity to serve in either ministry, please talk with Dustin or Becky.

We then reviewed the first chapter of the London Baptist Confession (LBC) of 1689 – The Holy Scriptures. Possibly the longest section of the LBC, it covers the sufficiency of the Bible and its importance in the life of the believer.

We also discussed the upcoming all Church workday on April 15 – a wonderful opportunity to care for our church building. Mike closed our meeting in prayer thanking God for his continued faithfulness and lifting up the Simwaka family as they transition to full-time ministry in Malawi. Our next meeting is scheduled for March 28.