Elders Report
The Omaha Bible Church Elders met for our monthly meeting on October 11. We opened the meeting in prayer and then turned to our study of the London Baptist Confession. I led the discussion on Chapter 30 on the Lord’s Supper. At OBC we hold to a memorial view of Communion, and it is good to be reminded that we are in community with other believers when we partake in the Lord’s Supper.
Frank Barber, our treasurer, presented the September financial reports. We averaged 389 people per Sunday in September. Giving was $49,355 and below our historical averages and the budget for the month. We continue to express our thanks and appreciation for God's provision and for the faithful giving of the OBC body. We encourage your continued prayerfulness towards your giving and how the Lord would lead you in this area.
We finished our meeting by Skyping with a husband and wife team who are friends of OBC. They are making plans to return to Malawi for full-time ministry; teaching at a seminary and training local pastors. They also plan to work with a local church plant and assist in the spiritual growth of its members. The elders are praying about our potential involvement in this gospel opportunity.
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