Elders Report
The elders met on February 21 for our monthly meeting. We opened in prayer and read article 20 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on The Gospel and its Influence. We find great encouragement in being reminded of what has been confessed and affirmed by believers over the ages. God has been and continues to build His church and we are thankful to be part of His work at OBC.
We reviewed the financial reports for January 2024. Giving in January was $99,899, which was $16,323 over the budgeted plan. Our fiscal year runs September 1 through August 31.
For the five months ending January 2024, we have a total giving of $397,440, which is $30,035 over the budgeted plan. Expenses were $7,902 under plan and year to date expenses are $20,274 under plan. We are thankful for the faithful giving of the OBC body, and praise God for His provisions!
Pat attended the Westminster Seminary Conference in January, and was able to meet with Aaron Sasane. Aaron attends Westminster Seminary and OBC provides support to attend Seminary.
He plans to return to India for full-time pastoral ministry after he graduates. Aaron is encouraged and thankful for the opportunity to attend seminary. Pray for Aaron and his wife Abi and their two children as they finish school and for their time as a family.
Our meeting closed in prayer and with thanksgiving for what the Lord is doing at OBC.
Dave Guthrie, Elder
More in Monthly Newsletter
January 28, 2025
The Fading of the Flesh and the Flourishing of FaithJanuary 28, 2025
Are We the First Generation to Not Die?January 3, 2025
The Transforming Power of the Gospel