Sunday School - 9:30am // Worship Service - 10:30am

Elders Report

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, April 19 and opened the evening in prayer with thanksgiving for what the Lord is doing at OBC, and in the people who faithfully serve and worship at church. We are blessed with the sweet fellowship of like-minded believers who want to promote the gospel to both believers and unbelievers.

I’m the church treasurer and I presented the financial reports for the month of March 2022. Giving was $100,816 against a budget of $91,793. Giving exceeded the budgeted amount by $9,023 for the month. Year to date (Sept. 2021 to Mar. 2022) giving is $566,710 against a budget of $536,637.

That puts us ahead of plan by $30,073 for the year and for that we are very thankful. Expenses for March were $61,639 against a budget of $60,395, which was $1,244 over budget. Year to date expenses are $418,643 against a budget of $454,473.

We are under budget $35,829 year to date. Our fiscal year ends on August 31, and our year to date giving and expenses are in a good position to finish the year well.

Part of the body life here at OBC includes meeting the physical needs of church members, and using the benevolence fund to help as needed. If you have a physical need (food, gas, rent, medicine, etc.) that you aren’t able to pay for yourself, please let a deacon or elder know so we can see how we can help you. Part of your regular giving goes to help those in need via the benevolence fund.

Another privilege we have as a part of the church body is to pray for one another. If you aren’t on the prayer email list, please send an email to to be added to the distribution list. We send out prayer requests throughout the week and each of us have the responsibility and privilege to pray for one another.

I encourage you to be added to this list so you can support your brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer. And if you have a prayer request, please send it to the same email address so it can be sent out to the body.

Finally, by the time you read this, summer will be on our doorstep. Let me encourage you to strive in your service to one another this summer. Pray about ways you can encourage the saints through fellowship, service and prayer.

Invite people over to your house, or meet someone for coffee, or maybe a kids playdate at the park. And if you are new to OBC, we are glad you are with us and encourage to press in and be part of the body of Christ at OBC.

Yours in ministry,

Dave Guthrie Elder and OBC Church Treasurer