Sunday School - 9:30am // Worship Service - 10:30am

Elders Report

Zoom continued as the place of meeting for the elders, who held their monthly meeting at 6:30 a.m. on June 10, 2020. Todd Swift opened our time in prayer giving thanks for God’s salvation and care, and asking for direction for the elders to shepherd the body at OBC.

In this time of social distancing and social unrest, we are grateful and give praise to God that we have been given a kingdom that cannot be shaken (Hebrews 12:28). Jesus Christ continues to build His church and not even the ‘gates of hell’ will overpower it.

Pastor Pat continued our reading through the London Baptist Confession of 1689 with Chapter 9, “Of Free Will.” The freedom lost in man’s fall in the first Adam has been regained through the loving obedience and sacrifice of the second Adam, Jesus Christ.

Though we still struggle now, and do not love as we should, what a promise we have that in glory we will be forever free to love God and one another perfectly.

Next, Frank Barber gave an overview of our finances for May. Giving of $61,734 exceeded our budget of $56,854, continuing to help us towards a very strong financial year.

The pastors and elders are very thankful for God’s grace among all of you as your giving has continued strong during this time of COVID-19 restrictions.

This is not the case everywhere. Surveys have reported that between 65 and 79 percent of churches have reported a decrease in financial giving.

Finally, there was a short discussion on long-term goals. Please be praying for wisdom and direction for ministry five and ten years from now. The Lord directs our steps, but we still plan.

Please also continue to love and pray for the body at OBC, and others outside of the body. Many have been doing well by God’s grace during these last few months, but there are still those who have been affected financially, emotionally, and spiritually.

I have appreciated the direction of my company, which prefers the words ‘physical distancing’ over ‘social distancing.’ May we continue to encourage one another to gratefully give of ourselves to others in response to the richness of God’s grace to us.