Elders Report
The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday evening, November 13. Our meeting was opened in prayer and with thanksgiving for what the Lord is doing at OBC.
Mike Holloway read and reviewed with us Chapter 22 in the 1689 London Baptist Confession on Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day. It is a good reminder that the spiritual battles contended for over time are not a new thing. They were contending with the spiritual errors of the Catholic Church, including the worship of saints and mediators other than Christ alone.
It also addresses that prayers are not for the dead but “for all sorts of men living, or that shall live.” If we should ever think we are the first to battle these errors, a review of church history will show that error has existed since Satan was the deceiver in the garden.
Attendance in October averaged 390 people and October giving totaled $76,318.31. Year to date giving is $122,438.45 versus a budget of $125,543.00, a shortfall of $3,104.55.
Expenses are under budget by $4,025.78 YTD so we have a modest net operating income of $983.72. We appreciate your prayers and participation in the giving to Omaha Bible Church.
OBC staff members are able to take a three-month sabbatical every seven years in order to study, write, and research a topic of interest and benefit for the church. The elders reviewed and approved a sabbatical for Mike Grimes next spring.
Mike’s project will be to develop an understanding and theology of emotion in the Psalms resulting in a written chapter accompanied by three to five musical compositions for us in the service of worship at OBC.
Pat and Chris have each taken a sabbatical in previous years and the elders are encouraged to be able to grant Mike Grimes the time to do the same. Pray for Mike and his family as they prepare for this period of rest and encouragement and that we will be encouraged by what the Lord does for the good of the body of Christ.
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