Sunday School - 9:30am // Worship Service - 10:30am

The Local Church in 2020

Last year brought us many unusual circumstances. Chief among them was a global pandemic, something the world had not seen for 100 years. With it, came so many new lifestyle changes, that at some point, it more than boggles the mind.

As Christians, we see God at work even during this death-threatening time. So many people have been affected by this virus in our own community and local church. And because of this unsure chaotic pandemic, many people have been searching for trustworthy answers and spiritual security.

Omaha Bible Church has seen this first hand with many new visitors and online attendance. With that said, we are so thankful that our local church is open to public worship with four different services available on Sunday morning.

As a local church, we are thankful for our state governor (and our federal authorities) who allows us to meet as a church. Health regulations of social distancing and masks have been mandated, but it seems a small inconvenience to the greater good of being able to be faithful to the call to worship.

While many states have not allowed any public gatherings of any local churches, our state government implemented a plan to gradually and safely bring us back to in-person worship.

This brings me to the point of this brief, but important letter. Namely, how vital the local church is to us as believers in Christ. It is vital not only for its offering of a public testimony to Christianity (the world needs it so), but also to the necessary spiritual health that is vital and critical for all believers.

As a confessing evangelical, I believe the local church is a huge priority in the mind and purpose of God Himself. This reality was never more clearly defined than during the time of the reformation, which was started by Martin Luther.

In fact, our own confession, the London Baptist Confession of 1689 (LBC), has singled out a specific chapter on the local church, which is designed to inform and explain the importance of the local church.

Personally, it is never a problem to review and refresh one’s mind, maybe even more so during this current pandemic, of the commands given to believers regarding our obligation to the local church.

In the third paragraph of chapter 26, the LBC states that the local church has a high priority to make known and proclaim His name in public worship. His name is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. How vital it is that there be a public testimony of our great God!

If the church does not meet, how will the public know of Him? The world will never be saved without hearing the gospel (Romans 9 and 10). Nothing is more important than the public testimony of Jesus Christ. 

In the fifth paragraph of the same chapter in our confession, it continues with the importance of the local church, as that ministry to carry out the purpose and plan of God Himself, through Christ, in the gospel ministry. The church is to “call out of the world” by His grace through the preaching and proclamation of His Word, those who will be saved by believing in Jesus Christ.

This vital ministry of the church encompasses not only salvation itself, but also the all- important sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in all believers. God deliberately uses the weekly gathering of the local church in hearing and applying (God gives many New Testament commands to all believers) the preached Word of God for its necessary spiritual life in all its strength and maturity. 

A Christian with only the Bible is never complete; the church is that important. Without it, believers will never reach the necessary maturity in Him. This is exciting! God has delivered the plan and means to function in this life and being at church is where it all begins.