Sermons from September 2013
Back to Sermon ArchiveSeptember 29, 2013
Comfort In God's Coming
Speaker: David VanDrunen Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Isaiah 40:1–40:11
September 28, 2013
Christian Liberty
Speaker: David VanDrunen Series: 2013 Fall Conference Topic: Fall Conference
September 28, 2013
Session 3: Christian Life In The Two Kingdoms
Speaker: David VanDrunen Series: 2013 Fall Conference Topic: Fall Conference
September 28, 2013
Session 2: Living In Babylon
Speaker: David VanDrunen Series: 2013 Fall Conference Topic: Fall Conference
September 28, 2013
Session 1: Christianity, Culture, and the Two Kingdoms
Speaker: David VanDrunen Series: 2013 Fall Conference Topic: Fall Conference
September 22, 2013
Behold The Lamb
Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: John Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: John 1:29
September 15, 2013
Gospel Priorities and Deacons
Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: The Church Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 1 Timothy 3:8–3:13
September 8, 2013
Our Place In This World (Part 2)
Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: The Church Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 1 Peter 2:9–2:12
September 1, 2013
Our Place In This World
Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: The Church Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 1 Peter 2:9–2:12