All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.


Sermons from 2007

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December 30, 2007

Resolved: Faithful & Fervent Ministry

Speaker: Erik Raymond Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Colossians 1:24–1:29

December 23, 2007

Responses To Christ's Birth

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Christmas Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Matthew 2:1–2:12

December 16, 2007

Why Jesus Tolerates Opposition

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Matthew Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Matthew 26:47–26:56

November 4, 2007

Sovereign Over Criminals, Kings, and Cats

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Daniel Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Daniel 6

October 28, 2007

The Horrific Anticipation Of Calvary

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Matthew Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Matthew 26:36–26:46

October 20, 2007

Don't Blow It!

Speaker: Don Whitney Series: 2007 Fall Conference Topic: Fall Conference

October 14, 2007

When Zeal For Jesus Isn't Enough

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Matthew Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Matthew 26:31–26:35

October 7, 2007

Christ Our Passover

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Matthew Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Matthew 26:17–26:30

September 30, 2007

The Servant Sacrifice

Speaker: Mike Holloway Series: Isaiah Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Isaiah 53

September 23, 2007

Closing In On The Cross

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Matthew Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Matthew 26:1–26:16

September 16, 2007

Jesus The Coming Judge (Part 3)

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Matthew Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Matthew 24–25

September 9, 2007

Jesus The Coming Judge (Part 2)

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Matthew Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Matthew 24–25

September 2, 2007

Jesus The Coming Judge (Part 1)

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Matthew Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Matthew 24–25

August 5, 2007

Prayer Priorities

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Colossians 1:9–1:14

June 24, 2007

Apostolic Name Calling

Speaker: Erik Raymond Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Philippians 3:1–3:3

June 3, 2007

Learn From The Thief

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 23:33–23:43

May 20, 2007

Every Pastor's Mandate (Part 2)

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1–4:8

May 13, 2007

Every Pastor's Mandate (Part 1)

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1–4:8