All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.



July 8, 2012

The End of the Matter

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Ecclesiastes Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Ecclesiastes 10:1–12:14

June 3, 2012

The Frustration That Is Life

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Ecclesiastes Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Ecclesiastes 8:1–9:18

May 27, 2012

Full Of Wisdom, Yet Without

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Ecclesiastes Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Ecclesiastes 7:1–7:29

May 20, 2012

Your Best Life Now

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Ecclesiastes Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Ecclesiastes 5:8–6:12

May 20, 2012

The Tyranny Of Time

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Ecclesiastes Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Ecclesiastes 3:3–3:14

May 13, 2012

Watching Your Mouth In Worship

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Ecclesiastes Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Ecclesiastes 5:1–5:7

April 29, 2012

Getting Ahead In Life....Or Not

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Ecclesiastes Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Ecclesiastes 3:16–4:16

April 15, 2012

Preaching The Word

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Ecclesiastes Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Ecclesiastes 2:1–2:26

April 1, 2012

Desperate For Meaning

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Ecclesiastes Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Ecclesiastes 1:1–1:11