Sermons from October 2016
Back to Sermon ArchiveOctober 30, 2016
Q&A with David VanDrunen
Speaker: David VanDrunen Series: 2016 Fall Conference Topic: Fall Conference
October 30, 2016
Not As The Powerful
Speaker: David VanDrunen Series: Mark Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Mark 10:35–45
October 29, 2016
The Glory of God: Session 3
Speaker: David VanDrunen Series: 2016 Fall Conference Topic: Sunday Morning
October 29, 2016
The Glory of God: Session 2
Speaker: David VanDrunen Series: 2016 Fall Conference Topic: Fall Conference
October 29, 2016
The Glory of God: Session 1
Speaker: David VanDrunen Series: 2016 Fall Conference Topic: Fall Conference
October 23, 2016
Jesus Saves...From Best Sellers
Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: John Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: John 3:1–15
October 16, 2016
Divine Direction During Difficult Days
Speaker: Mike Holloway Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Jeremiah 29:1–14
October 9, 2016
What's Jesus Got To Do With Weddings And Making Change? (Part 2)
Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: John Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: John 2:13–25
October 2, 2016
What's Jesus Got To Do With Weddings And Making Change?
Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: John Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: John 2:1–12