Sermons from 2014

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December 28, 2014

The Lord, Our Inheritance

Speaker: Chris Peterson Series: Psalms Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Psalm 16:1–16:11

December 21, 2014

Christmas Purpose

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Christmas Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: John 17:1–17:26

December 14, 2014

Extraordinary Christmas Plans

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Christmas Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Matthew 1:1–2:23

December 7, 2014

Who Does Jesus Think He Is?!

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 20:1–20:47

November 30, 2014

The Not So Triumphal Entry

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 19:28–19:48

November 23, 2014

A Certain Jesus

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 18:31–19:27

November 16, 2014

Gospel Advance: Galatians 2

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Gospel Advance Topic: Sunday Night Passage: Galatians 2:1–2:21

November 16, 2014

When Heaven Is Impossible

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 18:18–18:30

November 9, 2014

How's Your Self Confidence?

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 18:9–18:14

November 2, 2014

Dealing With Discouragement

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 18:1–18:8

October 26, 2014

Elijah And The Widow

Speaker: Carl Trueman Series: Guest Speaker Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 1 Kings 17:1–17:24

October 19, 2014

Gospel Advance: Galatians 1

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Gospel Advance Topic: Sunday Night Passage: Galatians 1:1–1:24

October 19, 2014

Jesus Is So The One

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 17:11–17:37

October 12, 2014

Guarding The Faith

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: 1 Timothy Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 1 Timothy 6:20–6:21

October 5, 2014

Unfaithful Objects Of Love

Speaker: Mike Holloway Series: Hosea Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Hosea 1:1–3:5

September 21, 2014

Survival Tactics For Disciples

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 17:1–17:10

September 14, 2014

When Miracles Won't Help

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 16:19–16:31

September 7, 2014

Guilt Before Gospel

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 16:14–16:18

August 31, 2014

Money Talks

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 16:1–16:13

August 10, 2014

You Are The Man!

Speaker: Mike Holloway Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 2 Samuel 12

July 20, 2014

Rejoice, Jesus Came For Prodigals

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 15:11–15:32

July 13, 2014

By The One, The Many Are Blessed

Speaker: Mike Holloway Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 2 Samuel 7

July 6, 2014

How Is God For Us?

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Romans Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Romans 8

June 29, 2014

A Shepherd Reigns From Jerusalem

Speaker: Mike Holloway Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 2 Samuel 5

June 22, 2014

God's Greatest Sermon

Speaker: Joel James Series: Guest Speaker Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: John 1:1–1:2

June 15, 2014

Rejoice, Jesus Is For Bad People!

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 15:1–15:10

June 1, 2014

Valuing Christ Most

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 14:25–14:35

May 25, 2014

Jesus Rescues Religion

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 14:1–14:24

May 18, 2014

When Time Runs Out

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 13:31–13:35

May 11, 2014

3 Words You Never Want To Hear

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 13:22–13:30

May 4, 2014

Because Jesus Cares...

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 13:10–13:21

April 27, 2014

God Rescues His People

Speaker: Mike Holloway Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 1 Samuel 30

April 20, 2014

What We've Been Meaning To Tell You

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Easter Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Acts 17:16–17:34

April 11, 2014

Facedown: From Wasteful Distractions To Grateful Worship

Speaker: Vineet Sasane Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 1 Timothy 1:12–1:17

April 6, 2014

When Tragedy Strikes

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 13:1–13:9

March 30, 2014

The Unexpected Jesus

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 12:49–12:59

March 23, 2014

When Do You Expect Him Back?

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 12:35–12:48

March 16, 2014

The Life-Coach Jesus That Isn't

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 12:13–12:34

March 9, 2014

One Decision From Disaster

Speaker: Mike Holloway Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 1 Samuel 25:1–25:44

March 2, 2014

The Drama Of Redemption In Romans

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: The Drama Of Redemption Topic: Sunday Night Passage: Romans 1:1–16:27

March 2, 2014

Dangers Of Discipleship

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 12:1–12:12

February 23, 2014

The Christianity Christ Confronts (Part 2)

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 11:29–11:54

February 16, 2014

The Decidedly Different King

Speaker: Mike Holloway Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 1 Samuel 24:1–24:22

February 9, 2014

When All You Have Seems Not Enough

Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: Guest Speaker Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Psalm 73:1–73:28

February 2, 2014

The Christianity Christ Confronts (Part 1)

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 11:29–11:54

January 26, 2014

The Madness Of Judging Jesus

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 11:14–11:28

January 19, 2014

Running The Race

Speaker: Dustin Rogers Series: Guest Speaker Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Hebrews 12:1–12:2

January 12, 2014

Prayer Discipleship From The Wicked

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Series: Luke Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Luke 11:5–11:13

January 5, 2014

The Pastoral Mandate

Speaker: Patrick Abendroth Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1–4:8