Elders Report January 2025

The Elders of Omaha Bible Church met on the morning of Wednesday, December 4 for their monthly meeting. The meeting was opened in prayer by Pastor Pat.

We then turned our attention to the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. The elders review a chapter of the confession at each of our monthly meetings. The chapter that we covered this month was on baptism. It was an encouraging and fitting reminder of our union with Christ by faith that is pictured in the ordinance of baptism.

Our consideration of baptism in the confession was certainly fitting as we have nine people getting baptized in the coming weeks at Omaha Bible Church. We had three people baptized on December 15 and six on December 22. What a joy and encouragement to witness baptisms during our morning worship services.

The elders discussed church membership and continue to be encouraged by the continuing growth of the body at OBC. We look forward to welcoming new members in January.

With ministry activities fully resuming in January, there will be many opportunities to serve and to be encouraged, and we encourage you to be a part of the ministry at OBC.

The elders will meet next on Wednesday, January 8.