Elders Report December 2024

The elders met on the morning of Wednesday, November 13 at Omaha Bible Church. Our time was opened with prayer by Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth who asked for God's wisdom in caring for and loving the people of our church; particularly for those who are suffering. 

We spent a considerable amount of time discussing pastoral care issues to begin our meeting and then moved on to the reading of Chapter 28 of The London Baptist Confession of 1689 on the topic of Baptism and Communion. 

Financially we are off to a good start to our fiscal year that began September 1. Our net income is a positive $3,376. Our expenses are significantly under plan so far this year by $20,532. This is good, since our giving is below our plan for the year so far by $11,210. 

We looked at where our resources are going for missions and have decided to trim our support in one area in order to increase our support for one of our overseas missionaries.

Our meeting was closed in prayer at 7:30 a.m.