All ministry activities for Wednesday, February 12th are cancelled.


Elders Report

The OBC Elders meet for their regular monthly meeting at 6:30 a.m. on July 18, 2024. The meeting began with Dallas Focht leading the elders in a time of prayer. The Lord is so good. He is so eager to listen, especially to His beloved church, as He commands us to pray about all things.

First and foremost, we are thankful for being truly saved. The reality of our justification is that that doctrine sets the gospel apart from any works needed by us to be accepted and loved by God. This is a great comfort to us as elders as it fuels our desire to help guide our ministries.

We are praising Him for His continued sovereign love and plan to use even Omaha Bible Church. We, the elders, never take for granted the blessings from preaching the gospel, which is the power of God for salvation and the very means to building up the maturity of the body as we regularly meet for public worship.

Dallas Focht read through Chapter 25 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689. It is titled, “Of Marriage.” This chapter is so important, especially today. Mass confusion runs wild in not only our culture today, but sadly, even in many churches.

Marriage is given to us by God in the created order as detailed in Genesis. The Confession is so helpful to give us the details of what constitutes marriage between one man and one woman in holiness before God. It is the cornerstone of stability, vitality, and strength of all human existence.

Marriage is the foundation, helping both man and woman in all things. Also, the Confession rightly concludes that Christians must marry in the Lord. It is of upmost importance to bring together like-minded Christians in holy matrimony. Marrying an unbeliever if you are a believer is wrong and sinful. 

With the summer months flying by and Fall fast approaching, it is always a good time to review and pray how the Lord might use you in the many church ministries. As always, I would also urge you to be in prayer about all our ministries from the preaching (Pastor Pat is currently preaching through the Gospel of Mark) and teaching to even the vital cleaning and snow removal ministries. We are all gifted by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to build up body life.

Finally, Dave Guthrie and Mike Holloway discussed the Giving and Attendance report from June of 2024. Giving is continuing to be good as it’s slightly above our budgeted numbers. We are thankful and pray for our continued dependance on the Lord.

His everlasting faithfulness is always on display to us, no matter what. Finally, we are also always so thankful for the ongoing sacrificial giving of the body, especially of this current year. The Lord has been amazing. We are praising the Lord and praying for more great days ahead at OBC.

The meeting closed at 8:10 a.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is planned for August 21, 2024.