Deacons Report December 2024

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, October 22 at 7:00 p.m. Michael Herrington opened us in prayer, praying for some of the needs of the body and giving thanks for the blessings we have in Christ.

Pastor Mike Grimes then led us through news, updates, and giving for the first month of the new ministry year. We praised God for the faithful giving of the body and for all that He has blessed us with.

Vimal George then led us through chapter 23 of the London Baptist Confession of 1689 on Lawful Oaths & Vows. It is a blessing to read through the confession each month to be encouraged as we consider the statements with each article.

Mike Grimes was our ministry guest leader. He shared encouraging news from the recent Pactum Conference. Pastor Grimes also leads the music and audio/visual ministries, in addition to other responsibilities. He mentioned particular need for servants to help in the audio/visual ministry. If you desire to serve, please contact Mike. Please remember to keep the elders and pastors in prayer as they serve and shepherd us.

We discussed numerous other ministry items, including the manifold updates made to the church building during the most recent All-Church workday, as well as planned maintenance tasks to take place in the near future.

We closed in prayer at 9:00 p.m. The next meeting is Tuesday, December 3 at 7:00 p.m.