May 1, 2024
by Vimal George
The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on the evening of March 26 for our regular meeting. We began the meeting with John Schmoll leading us in prayer, praising God for the salvific work of Jesus Christ in redeeming sinners, and expressing our trust in Him to continue building and equipping His children to serve and love His Church.
Martin Bast facilitated our meeting and ...
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November 3, 2023
by Vimal George
The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on the evening of September 26 for our monthly meeting. We began the meeting with Mike Holloway leading us in prayer. We praised God for the redeeming work of His Son, sought wisdom for His servants, and asked for grace to love the body passionately.
We welcomed our newest deacons (Dwight Eveland, Greg Gensler, and Michael Herrington)...
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November 1, 2021
by Vimal George
The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on September 28 for our monthly meeting. Martin Bast opened the proceedings in prayer, praising God for the redeeming work of His Son, assurance of salvation, and the fellowship of saints.
We are grateful for the Holy Spirit and His wisdom availed to us, to do His bidding in His church.
Keith Walter was the facilitator for our meetin...
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October 2, 2020
by Vimal George
The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on August 25 via Zoom. Keith Walter led us in prayer, praising God for His goodness and kindness towards us, his children. We continue to seek the Lord for wisdom and desire to meet the various physical needs of the body and trust that he will be most glorified in it.
Mike Holloway facilitated the meeting and reviewed the attendance a...
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November 1, 2019
by Vimal George
The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on September 24 for our monthly meeting. Willie Zwiener led us in prayer, praising God for His goodness and graciousness towards us. We sought the Lord to help us serve the Body and continue to be impressed with who He is and what He has done for us through Christ Jesus.
Keith Walter was our meeting facilitator and reviewed the attend...
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August 1, 2018
by Vimal George
The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on June 26 for our monthly meeting. We started the meeting with John Schmoll opening us in prayer, offering thanks for the life and service of one of the deacons, Emmett Champion, who has entered his eternal rest with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We also sought the Lord for wisdom to serve the Body of Christ in humility to the p...
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August 1, 2017
by Vimal George
The Deacons of OBC attended their monthly meeting under the leadership of Pastor Mike Holloway on June 27. Ed Pille opened our meeting with prayer, offering thanksgiving and seeking wisdom from above to serve well to the praise and honor of His name.
Pastor Mike began by sharing the financial report. We continue to rejoice in the Lord for his gracious provisions through t...
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September 30, 2016
by Vimal George
The Deacons of OBC met together for our monthly meeting on August 23rd. John Widhalm opened our meeting with prayer, offering thanksgiving for the Deacons' ministry at OBC. We were reminded of the privilege that God allows us to meet some small needs in the Body and our continued dependence on Him for wisdom to serve to the praise and honor of His name.
Pastor Mike Holl...
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