Archives for December 2024

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The Deconstruction of Christianity

I am sure plenty of us grew up in the church. As wonderful as this is, I am also sure that a lot of us would look back at our church experience and either scratch our heads with what was taught or straight up disagree with - fill in the blank - today. That is pretty common in the evangelical world. But, unfortunately, there seems to be a surge in "evangelicals" leaving th...

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Deacons Report December 2024

The Deacons of Omaha Bible Church met on Tuesday, October 22 at 7:00 p.m. Michael Herrington opened us in prayer, praying for some of the needs of the body and giving thanks for the blessings we have in Christ. Pastor Mike Grimes then led us through news, updates, and giving for the first month of the new ministry year. We praised God for the faithful giving of the body an...

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Elders Report December 2024

The elders met on the morning of Wednesday, November 13 at Omaha Bible Church. Our time was opened with prayer by Senior Pastor Pat Abendroth who asked for God's wisdom in caring for and loving the people of our church; particularly for those who are suffering. We spent a considerable amount of time discussing pastoral care issues to begin our meeting and then moved on to ...

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Faith and Faith

How many of us have heard, "Ya gotta have faith!" or, "You just need to believe." Or maybe even better, "Don't stop believin'!" We've heard it countless times! Faith and belief are good, but only in so far as it is connected to the object of that faith or belief. The notion of "faith in faith" or "hope in hope" is a semantically meaningless phrase. Just like how "love is l...

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